Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Journey of the Green Mouse

One of the things you'll notice if you ever visit my place is the number of toy mice laying about. It's not like there are multitudes of mice, but definitely a noticeable number (maybe four visible at any given time). Now, the funny thing is my cat is very particular about her mice. Some of them can be seen at any time. She doesn't play with them. Nope. Doesn't like them. She definitely has her favorites she plays with while she leaves the others alone. One of these favorites is "the green mouse". It is, as you might guess, green.

This mouse has found its way to many places, both inside my apartment and out. The bed, under the couch, in a shoe, even all the way to my brother & sister-in-law's house! So, starting now I'm going to track the progress of this mouse. I know you will all be waiting... holding your breathe, even... to hear what new and interesting place this mouse will turn up next.

So, without further ado, I will tell you where the green mouse is currently located. Mr. Mouse can be found in the middle of my living room floor. (Hey! What better place to start?)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

How To...

On my personalized internet start page, I have many things... St. Louis weather, Email at a Glance, Top News Stories, Bible Verse of the Day, and even How-To's of the Day (just to name a few). I've found the "How-To's" to be quite amusing. Here is a list of my personal favorites.

How To:

Well, I could go on and on with these. They always get some sort of reaction out of me. I hope you enjoy them. If you have any fun "How To's", just let me know! :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Little Hands, Little Feet

Two new additions to our family arrived this week! :) Welcome my new nephew & niece, Jacob & Lindsay.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Tic tic tic...

How does time always get away from us? We have all those things we mean to do, but never get around to doing... Writing that letter, calling an old friend, updating a blog... ;-) What do we do instead of doing the things we intend to do?